Well, I do not know if someone did this, but it works perfectly for me to test some experience. I hope you enjoy =)
Materials used:
- Matches
- Water
- microwave oven
- paper (the best is the newspapers)
- Matches
- Water
- microwave oven
- paper (the best is the newspapers)
Method of preparation:
1 - get the heads of matches
2 - softens with any object to become a fine powder
3 - could join with water in the ratio of -> 2 / 4 powder for 1 / 4 water
4 - wet piece of paper that mixture
5 - now have to dry the paper. for more security you can dry in the sun but I even in the microwave because it is faster.
6 - Got it! can now do everything we want with it. He must have a color similar to the matches. it has no repeat method until 4 and 5 have similar color. can now make a fuse or a smoke bomb =)
Take CARE =)